Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some More Stuff

Nana's turning 3 and some other updates. . .

1 comment:

katherine said...

ali mae, this is katherine clarke. i used to live in wymount too, but you probably don't remember me. anyway, i saw your blog from ruth's and was interested in making my blog private too. would you tell me how you were able to save all the comments and posts to another blog address? i don't really want to go private, but daniel's a little worried about it. so...i like how you left a fake blog so people could easily get ahold of you. that is one thing i have noticed that makes it hard to get ahold of people who do have private blogs to ask for an invite. ok, so hopefully i'm not totally confusing you. oh one other thing i noticed is if people don't change their blog address, people who added blogs to google reader can still see their posts even though they are private. does that make sense? anyway, so i know i need to change my blog address. ok, enough. thanks for your help! katherine clarke