Let me know if you would like an invite to our private blog, "Our Growing Family" aka ourgrowinfamily(dot)blogspot(dot)com. Leave me your email (I won't publish your comment if you include your email).
I was getting worried about posting pictures of the kids, so when I told some friends that I would post some digi-scrapping, I decided I should go private before I put them on a blog. I found this awesome function and was able to export all of the posts that used to be on here (even all of the comments that were made! and my drafts, too!!!), so there was nothing holding me back from going private. Except. . .
PLEASE don't be shy. Ask me for an invite--it'll make me feel good :D. (Unless, of course, you happen to be a creepy stalker from my elementary school days with too much body hair and too little shampoo. Then, don't bother.)
Did I already tell you I want to see your real blog?
Ummmm. . . I have you on my list of people that accepted. Maybe the email I used isn't the one you usually sign in with? Let me know.
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